Friday, January 30, 2009


Headaches. Stuffy Nose. Cough. Fever. Itchy Eyes. Sore Throat. Muscle Aches. These are some of the symptoms of a common cold. Colds, are also called upper respiratory infections, are caused by hundred of different viruses. There are no drugs that can kill or inhibit theses viruses, we have to depend on our body's natural defenses.

The symptoms you experience as a cold are actually the body's natural immune response. In fact by the time you feel like you're coming down with a cold, you've likely already had it for a day and a half.

While we may not be able to cure the common cold, the simple self-care techniques that follow can help you feel more comfortable and speed healing...


Fluids keep the mucus thin. Colds can make our body somewhat dehydrated without even knowing. Drink at least eight onces of fluid every two hours.


Chicken soup is one of the most beneficial hot fluids one can consume when one is having a cold. It was prescribed for the common cold as far back as the twelfth century Egypt, and has been a favorite folk remedy ever since.


Extra rest helps. Staying away from work maybe a good idea from a prevention standpoint, by not spreading the virus. If you decide to stay home, forgo those chores and take it easy, read a good book, take a nap. If you're feeling pretty bad, just head for bed.


Stay indoors and stay warm when you have a cold. Staying warm may make you feel more comfortable, especially if you have a fever.


The inflammation and swelling in the nose during a cold is caused by molecules called cytokins or lymphokins, which are made by the lymphocytes. Fill a clean nasal spray bottle with salt diluted with water (one level tsp. salt to one quarter of water) and spray to each nostril three or four times. The saltwater reduces the swelling and fluid production.


Gargling with warm salt water (a quarter tsp salt in four ounces warm water) every one to two hours can soothe sore throat. Salt water is an astringent that is very soothing to the inflamed tissue and it tends to loosen mucus.


Taking an increased amount of vitamin C daily when having colds can lessen the severity of cold symptoms. If you decide boosting your vitamin C intake during a cold, dont overdo it. Some people find vitamin C causes diarrhea when taken at or above the allowable dosage. Perhaps the safest way to get more vitamin C is to choose vitamin C rich foods more often.


The steam from the vapor loosen mucus, especially if the spectrum is thick. It may also raise the humidity in the immediate area slightly, which makes you feel more comfortable.


Smokers have colds longer in duration than non smokers. Smoking can chronically irritate the bronchial tubes during a cold and may likely to develop a complication like pneumonia. It can also depress the immune system rather than the medicine to cure our cold, we want it to be in the best condition possible to wage the "cold war."


While a hot alcoholic beverage might sound good when feeling itchy and stuffy, it increases mucus membrane congestion.


Researchers suggest that a positive "I-can-beat-this-cold" attitude may actually stimulate the immune system. A positive attitude is always best and certainly couldn't hurt your cold.